Understanding Account Management and your Community Profile
Learn what a Community Profile is and how to manage your account through it.
Your Community Profile
Your Community Profile is your home page for community giving - it's where your community members come to discover opportunities for giving and the stories in your community.
Your profile becomes a central hub for fostering generosity and support within your community!
Tabs in Your Community Profile
Your Community Profile is comprised of different tabs and are differentiated based on their purposes - being shown to your community members rather than those just for you. The private tabs can be found by clicking on 'Manage' in your Community Profile.
About (Public)
The 'About' tab is the introduction to your Community Profile - it includes high-level information about and photos of your Community to give a good understanding of who you are to your community members.
Campaigns (Public)
The 'Campaigns' tab displays all of the Campaigns you have, which is how you engage your community members in giving. Each Campaign is made of an Overview and its Items.
Community Stories (Public)
The 'Community Stories' tab gives you visibility to all of the Storytelling Items across all of your Community so that anyone can view and discover the stories that keep your legacy alive!
Donor Activity Log (Private)
Your 'Donor Activity Log' aggregates all of the donor and volunteer activity submitted against any one of your Items across any of your Campaigns - it collects details about their contribution and their contact information.
Available Plaques (Private)
The 'Available Plaques' tab can be thought of as a queue of plaques to process or work with - it displays plaques that have not been attached to an Item yet, or those that need extra plaque details before printing.
Users (Private)
The 'Users' tab is where you can invite additional people to join you in managing community giving for your Community for smooth and effortless collaboration.
'Propose' & 'Share' buttons
There are two more buttons you'll see in your Community Profile -
Propose - A form for your community members to propose donations beyond what's available in the platform - you will receive an email with these details when someone proposes a location.
Share - Copy a link to your profile to share wherever you'd like.