Adopt This Item Form
Learn about the Adopt this Item Form
Adopt this Item Form
Organize and Manage donor interest
The Adopt this Item Form allows you to collect and organize Donor interest in your Items.
The Adopt this Item form will be used for any Items with the Payment Feature disabled.
How Your Community Members Adopt an Item
Create an effortless experience for your Donors
On the Item Profile your community members can select the Adopt this item button to start the process of making a donation.
Interested Donors are prompted to fill out information to share their interest in Adopting an Item.
- Donor name, contact information, and comments
- After filling out the form, a confirmation email will be sent to the donor notifying them of a successful submission.
The Community will be notified of this interest in two ways
- Donor Activity Log - a new record will be created in the Donor Activity Log
- An Email will be sent to Community Users with a PDF that gives relevant details about the donation